Package nifti :: Module niftiformat :: Class NiftiFormat
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Class NiftiFormat

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NIfTI header representation.

NIfTI header can be created by loading information from an existing NIfTI file or by creating a matching NIfTI header for a ndarray.

In addition, a number of methods to manipulate the header information are provided. However, this class is not able to write a NIfTI header back to disk. Please refer to the NIfTIImage class for this functionality.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, source, header=None)
This method decides whether to load a nifti image header from file or create one from ndarray data, depending on the datatype of source.
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__del__(self) source code
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__newFromArray(self, data, hdr={})
Create a nifti_image struct from a ndarray.
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__newFromFile(self, filename)
Open a NIfTI file.
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Returns a 3-tuple a voxel dimensions/size in (x,y,z).
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setVoxDims(self, value)
Set voxel dimensions/size.
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setPixDims(self, value)
Set the pixel dimensions.
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Returns the pixel dimensions on all 7 dimensions.
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Returns the shape of the dataimage.
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Returns the size/shape of the volume(s) in the image as a tuple.
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Returns the number of timepoints in the image.
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Returns the temporal distance between the volumes in a timeseries.
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setRepetitionTime(self, value)
Set the repetition time of a nifti image (dt).
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Returns the header data of the NiftiImage in a dictionary.
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updateFromDict(self, hdrdict)
Update NIfTI header information.
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setSlope(self, value)
Set the slope attribute in the NIfTI header.
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setIntercept(self, value)
Set the intercept attribute in the NIfTI header.
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setDescription(self, value)
Set the description element in the NIfTI header.
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setXFormCode(self, xform, code)
Set the type of space described by the NIfTI transformations.
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Returns the sform matrix.
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setSForm(self, m, code='mni152')
Sets the sform matrix.
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Returns the inverse sform matrix.
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Returns the qform matrix.
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Returns the inverse qform matrix.
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setQForm(self, m, code='scanner')
Sets the qform matrix.
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Recalculates the qform matrix (and the inverse) from the quaternion representation.
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setQuaternion(self, value, code='scanner')
Set Quaternion from 3-tuple (qb, qc, qd).
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Returns a 3-tuple containing (qb, qc, qd).
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setQOffset(self, value, code='scanner')
Set QOffset from 3-tuple (qx, qy, qz).
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Returns a 3-tuple containing (qx, qy, qz).
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setQFac(self, value, code='scanner')
Set qfac (scaling factor of qform matrix).
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getQOrientation(self, as_string=False)
Returns to orientation of the i, j and k axis as stored in the qform matrix.
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getSOrientation(self, as_string=False)
Returns to orientation of the i, j and k axis as stored in the sform matrix.
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Returns the filename.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Properties [hide private]
Returns the inverse sform matrix.
Returns the inverse qform matrix.
Returns the shape of the dataimage.
Returns the size/shape of the volume(s) in the image as a tuple.
Returns the number of timepoints in the image.
Returns the filename.
Returns a 3-tuple a voxel dimensions/size in (x,y,z).
Returns the pixel dimensions on all 7 dimensions.
Returns the header data of the NiftiImage in a dictionary.
Returns the sform matrix.
Returns the qform matrix.
Returns a 3-tuple containing (qb, qc, qd).
Returns a 3-tuple containing (qx, qy, qz).
Returns the temporal distance between the volumes in a timeseries.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, source, header=None)

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This method decides whether to load a nifti image header from file or create one from ndarray data, depending on the datatype of source.
  • source, str, |, ndarray - If source is a string, it is assumed to be a filename and an attempt will be made to open the corresponding NIfTI file. In case of an ndarray the array data will be used for the to be created nifti image and a matching nifti header is generated. If an object of a different type is supplied as 'source' a ValueError exception will be thrown.
  • header, dict - Additional header data might be supplied. However, dimensionality and datatype are determined from the ndarray and not taken from a header dictionary.
Overrides: object.__init__

__newFromArray(self, data, hdr={})

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Create a nifti_image struct from a ndarray.
  • data, ndarray - Source ndarray.
  • hdr, dict - Optional dictionary with NIfTI header data.

__newFromFile(self, filename)

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Open a NIfTI file.
  • filename, str - Filename of the to be opened image file.


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Returns a 3-tuple a voxel dimensions/size in (x,y,z).

The voxdim property is an alternative way to access this function.

setVoxDims(self, value)

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Set voxel dimensions/size.

The qform matrix and its inverse will be recalculated automatically.

Besides reading it is also possible to set the voxel dimensions by assigning to the voxdim property.

setPixDims(self, value)

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Set the pixel dimensions.

Calling setPixDims() with a length-3 sequence equals calling setVoxDims().


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Returns the pixel dimensions on all 7 dimensions.

The function is similar to getVoxDims(), but instead of the 3d spatial dimensions of a voxel it returns the dimensions of an image pixel on all 7 dimensions supported by the NIfTI dataformat.


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Returns the shape of the dataimage.

Please note that the order of dimensions is different from the tuple returned by calling!

See also getVolumeExtent() and getTimepoints().

The extent property is an alternative way to access this function.


Tuple with the size in voxel/timepoints.

The order of dimensions is (x,y,z,t,u,v,w). If the image has less dimensions than 7 the return tuple will be shortened accordingly.


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Returns the size/shape of the volume(s) in the image as a tuple.

The volextent property is an alternative way to access this function.


Either a 3-tuple or 2-tuple or 1-tuple depending on the available dimensions in the image.

The order of dimensions in the tuple is (x [, y [, z ] ] ).


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Returns the number of timepoints in the image.

In case of a 3d (or less dimension) image this method returns 1.

The timepoints property is an alternative way to access this function.


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Returns the temporal distance between the volumes in a timeseries.

The rtime property is an alternative way to access this function.


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Returns the header data of the NiftiImage in a dictionary.

Note, that modifications done to this dictionary do not cause any modifications in the NIfTI image. Please use the updateFromDict() method to apply changes to the image.

The header property is an alternative way to access this function. But please note that the header property cannot be used like this:

nimg.header['something'] = 'new value'

Instead one has to get the header dictionary, modify and later reassign it:

h = nimg.header
h['something'] = 'new value'
nimg.header = h

updateFromDict(self, hdrdict)

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Update NIfTI header information.

Updated header data is read from the supplied dictionary. One cannot modify dimensionality and datatype of the image data. If such information is present in the header dictionary it is removed before the update. If resizing or datatype casting are required one has to convert the image data into a separate array (NiftiImage.assarray()) and perform resize and data manipulations on this array. When finished, the array can be converted into a nifti file by calling the NiftiImage constructor with the modified array as 'source' and the nifti header of the original NiftiImage object as 'header'.

setSlope(self, value)

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Set the slope attribute in the NIfTI header.

Besides reading it is also possible to set the slope by assigning to the slope property.

setIntercept(self, value)

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Set the intercept attribute in the NIfTI header.

Besides reading it is also possible to set the intercept by assigning to the intercept property.

setDescription(self, value)

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Set the description element in the NIfTI header.

Besides reading it is also possible to set the description by assigning to the description property.

setXFormCode(self, xform, code)

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Set the type of space described by the NIfTI transformations.

The NIfTI format defines five coordinate system types which are used to describe the target space of a transformation (qform or sform). Please note, that the last four transformation types are only available in the NIfTI format and not when saving into ANALYZE.

Transformation is arbitrary. This is the ANALYZE compatibility mode. In this case no sform matrix will be written, even when stored in NIfTI and not in ANALYZE format. Additionally, only the pixdim parts of the qform matrix will be saved (upper-left 3x3).
Scanner-based anatomical coordinates.
Coordinates are aligned to another file's coordinate system.
'talairach', NIFTI_XFORM_TALAIRACH, 3:
Coordinate system is shifted to have its origin (0,0,0) at the anterior commissure, as in the Talairach-Tournoux Atlas.
'mni152', NIFTI_XFORM_MNI_152, 4:
Coordinates are in MNI152 space.


xform: str('qform' | 'sform')
Which of the two NIfTI transformations to set.
code: str | NIFTI_XFORM_CODE | int (0..4)
The Transformation code can be specified either by a string, the NIFTI_XFORM_CODE defined in the nifti1.h header file (accessible via the nifticlib module, or the corresponding integer value (see above list for all possibilities).


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Returns the sform matrix.

Please note, that the returned SForm matrix is not bound to the NiftiImage object. Therefore it cannot be successfully modified in-place. Modifications to the SForm matrix can only be done by setting a new SForm matrix either by calling setSForm() or by assigning it to the sform attribute.

The sform property is an alternative way to access this function.

setSForm(self, m, code='mni152')

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Sets the sform matrix.

The supplied value has to be a 4x4 matrix. The matrix elements will be converted to floats. By definition the last row of the sform matrix has to be (0,0,0,1). However, different values can be assigned, but will not be stored when the niftifile is saved.

The inverse sform matrix will be automatically recalculated.

Besides reading it is also possible to set the sform matrix by assigning to the sform property.


m: 4x4 ndarray
The sform matrix.
code: str | NIFTI_XFORM_CODE | int (0..4)
The type of the coordinate system the sform matrix is describing. By default this coordinate system is assumed to be the MNI152 space. Please refer to the setXFormCode() method for a full list of possible codes and their meaning.


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Returns the inverse sform matrix.

Please note, that the inverse SForm matrix cannot be modified in-place. One needs to set a new SForm matrix instead. The corresponding inverse matrix is then re-calculated automatically.

The sform_inv property is an alternative way to access this function.


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Returns the qform matrix.

Please note, that the returned QForm matrix is not bound to the NiftiImage object. Therefore it cannot be successfully modified in-place. Modifications to the QForm matrix can only be done by setting a new QForm matrix either by calling setQForm() or by assigning it to the qform property.


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Returns the inverse qform matrix.

The qform_inv property is an alternative way to access this function.

Please note, that the inverse QForm matrix cannot be modified in-place. One needs to set a new QForm matrix instead. The corresponding inverse matrix is then re-calculated automatically.

setQForm(self, m, code='scanner')

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Sets the qform matrix.

The supplied value has to be a 4x4 matrix. The matrix will be converted to float.

The inverse qform matrix and the quaternion representation will be automatically recalculated.

Besides reading it is also possible to set the qform matrix by assigning to the qform property.


m: 4x4 ndarray
The qform matrix.
code: str | NIFTI_XFORM_CODE | int (0..4)
The type of the coordinate system the qform matrix is describing. By default this coordinate system is assumed to be the scanner anatomical space. Please refer to the setXFormCode() method for a full list of possible codes and their meaning.

setQuaternion(self, value, code='scanner')

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Set Quaternion from 3-tuple (qb, qc, qd).

The qform matrix and it's inverse are re-computed automatically.

Besides reading it is also possible to set the quaternion by assigning to the quatern property.


value: length-3 sequence
qb, qc and qd quaternions.
code: str | NIFTI_XFORM_CODE | int (0..4)
The type of the coordinate system the corresponding qform matrix is describing. By default this coordinate system is assumed to be the scanner anatomical space. Please refer to the setXFormCode() method for a full list of possible codes and their meaning.


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Returns a 3-tuple containing (qb, qc, qd).

The quatern property is an alternative way to access this function.

setQOffset(self, value, code='scanner')

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Set QOffset from 3-tuple (qx, qy, qz).

The qform matrix and its inverse are re-computed automatically.

Besides reading it is also possible to set the qoffset by assigning to the qoffset property.


value: length-3 sequence
qx, qy and qz offsets.
code: str | NIFTI_XFORM_CODE | int (0..4)
The type of the coordinate system the corresponding qform matrix is describing. By default this coordinate system is assumed to be the scanner anatomical space. Please refer to the setXFormCode() method for a full list of possible codes and their meaning.


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Returns a 3-tuple containing (qx, qy, qz).

The qoffset property is an alternative way to access this function.

setQFac(self, value, code='scanner')

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Set qfac (scaling factor of qform matrix).

The qform matrix and its inverse are re-computed automatically.

Besides reading it is also possible to set the qfac by assigning to the qfac property.


value: float
Scaling factor.
code: str | NIFTI_XFORM_CODE | int (0..4)
The type of the coordinate system the corresponding qform matrix is describing. By default this coordinate system is assumed to be the scanner anatomical space. Please refer to the setXFormCode() method for a full list of possible codes and their meaning.

getQOrientation(self, as_string=False)

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Returns to orientation of the i, j and k axis as stored in the qform matrix.

By default NIfTI orientation codes are returned, but if as_string is set to true a string representation ala 'Left-to-right' is returned instead.

getSOrientation(self, as_string=False)

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Returns to orientation of the i, j and k axis as stored in the sform matrix.

By default NIfTI orientation codes are returned, but if as_string is set to true a string representation ala 'Left-to-right' is returned instead.


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Returns the filename.

To distinguish ANALYZE from 2-file NIfTI images the image filename is returned for ANALYZE images while the header filename is returned for NIfTI files.

The filename property is an alternative way to access this function.

Property Details [hide private]


Get Method:


Get Method:


Get Method:


Returns the inverse sform matrix.

Please note, that the inverse SForm matrix cannot be modified in-place. One needs to set a new SForm matrix instead. The corresponding inverse matrix is then re-calculated automatically.

The sform_inv property is an alternative way to access this function.

Get Method:
getInverseSForm(self) - Returns the inverse sform matrix.


Returns the inverse qform matrix.

The qform_inv property is an alternative way to access this function.

Please note, that the inverse QForm matrix cannot be modified in-place. One needs to set a new QForm matrix instead. The corresponding inverse matrix is then re-calculated automatically.

Get Method:
getInverseQForm(self) - Returns the inverse qform matrix.


Returns the shape of the dataimage.

Please note that the order of dimensions is different from the tuple returned by calling!

See also getVolumeExtent() and getTimepoints().

The extent property is an alternative way to access this function.

Get Method:
getExtent(self) - Returns the shape of the dataimage.


Returns the size/shape of the volume(s) in the image as a tuple.

The volextent property is an alternative way to access this function.

Get Method:
getVolumeExtent(self) - Returns the size/shape of the volume(s) in the image as a tuple.


Returns the number of timepoints in the image.

In case of a 3d (or less dimension) image this method returns 1.

The timepoints property is an alternative way to access this function.

Get Method:
getTimepoints(self) - Returns the number of timepoints in the image.


Get Method:


Returns the filename.

To distinguish ANALYZE from 2-file NIfTI images the image filename is returned for ANALYZE images while the header filename is returned for NIfTI files.

The filename property is an alternative way to access this function.

Get Method:
getFilename(self) - Returns the filename.


Get Method:
Set Method:
setSlope(self, value) - Set the slope attribute in the NIfTI header.


Get Method:
Set Method:
setIntercept(self, value) - Set the intercept attribute in the NIfTI header.


Returns a 3-tuple a voxel dimensions/size in (x,y,z).

The voxdim property is an alternative way to access this function.

Get Method:
getVoxDims(self) - Returns a 3-tuple a voxel dimensions/size in (x,y,z).
Set Method:
setVoxDims(self, value) - Set voxel dimensions/size.


Returns the pixel dimensions on all 7 dimensions.

The function is similar to getVoxDims(), but instead of the 3d spatial dimensions of a voxel it returns the dimensions of an image pixel on all 7 dimensions supported by the NIfTI dataformat.

Get Method:
getPixDims(self) - Returns the pixel dimensions on all 7 dimensions.
Set Method:
setPixDims(self, value) - Set the pixel dimensions.


Get Method:
Set Method:
setDescription(self, value) - Set the description element in the NIfTI header.


Returns the header data of the NiftiImage in a dictionary.

Note, that modifications done to this dictionary do not cause any modifications in the NIfTI image. Please use the updateFromDict() method to apply changes to the image.

The header property is an alternative way to access this function. But please note that the header property cannot be used like this:

nimg.header['something'] = 'new value'

Instead one has to get the header dictionary, modify and later reassign it:

h = nimg.header
h['something'] = 'new value'
nimg.header = h
Get Method:
asDict(self) - Returns the header data of the NiftiImage in a dictionary.
Set Method:
updateFromDict(self, hdrdict) - Update NIfTI header information.


Returns the sform matrix.

Please note, that the returned SForm matrix is not bound to the NiftiImage object. Therefore it cannot be successfully modified in-place. Modifications to the SForm matrix can only be done by setting a new SForm matrix either by calling setSForm() or by assigning it to the sform attribute.

The sform property is an alternative way to access this function.

Get Method:
getSForm(self) - Returns the sform matrix.
Set Method:
setSForm(self, m, code='mni152') - Sets the sform matrix.


Returns the qform matrix.

Please note, that the returned QForm matrix is not bound to the NiftiImage object. Therefore it cannot be successfully modified in-place. Modifications to the QForm matrix can only be done by setting a new QForm matrix either by calling setQForm() or by assigning it to the qform property.

Get Method:
getQForm(self) - Returns the qform matrix.
Set Method:
setQForm(self, m, code='scanner') - Sets the qform matrix.


Returns a 3-tuple containing (qb, qc, qd).

The quatern property is an alternative way to access this function.

Get Method:
getQuaternion(self) - Returns a 3-tuple containing (qb, qc, qd).
Set Method:
setQuaternion(self, value, code='scanner') - Set Quaternion from 3-tuple (qb, qc, qd).


Returns a 3-tuple containing (qx, qy, qz).

The qoffset property is an alternative way to access this function.

Get Method:
getQOffset(self) - Returns a 3-tuple containing (qx, qy, qz).
Set Method:
setQOffset(self, value, code='scanner') - Set QOffset from 3-tuple (qx, qy, qz).


Get Method:
Set Method:
setQFac(self, value, code='scanner') - Set qfac (scaling factor of qform matrix).


Returns the temporal distance between the volumes in a timeseries.

The rtime property is an alternative way to access this function.

Get Method:
getRepetitionTime(self) - Returns the temporal distance between the volumes in a timeseries.
Set Method:
setRepetitionTime(self, value) - Set the repetition time of a nifti image (dt).