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What is NIfTI and what do I need PyNIfTI for?


NIfTI is a new Analyze-style data format, proposed by the NIfTI Data Format Working Group as a “short-term measure to facilitate inter-operation of functional MRI data analysis software packages”. Meanwhile a number of toolkits are NIfTI-aware (e.g. FSL, AFNI, SPM, Freesurfer and a to a certain degree also Brainvoyager). Additionally, dicomnifti allows the direct conversion from DICOM images into the NIfTI format.

With libnifti there is a reference implementation of a C library to read, write and manipulate NIfTI images. The library source code is put into the public domain and a corresponding project is hosted at SourceForge.

In addition to the C library, there is also an IO library written in Java and Matlab functions to make use of NIfTI files from within Matlab.


Unfortunately, it is not that trivial to read NIfTI images with Python. This is particularly sad, because there is a large number of easy-to-use, high-quality libraries for signal processing available for Python (e.g. SciPy).

Moreover Python has bindings to almost any important language/program in the fields of maths, statistics and/or engineering. If you want to use R to calculate some stats in a Python script, simply use RPy and pass any data to R. If you don’t care about R, but Matlab is your one and only friend, there are at least two different Python modules to control Matlab from within Python scripts. Python is the glue between all those helpers and the Python user is able to combine as many tools as necessary to solve a given problem – the easiest way.


PyNIfTI aims to provide easy access to NIfTI images from within Python. It uses SWIG-generated wrappers for the NIfTI reference library and provides the NiftiImage class for Python-style access to the image data.

While PyNIfTI is not yet complete (i.e. doesn’t support everything the C library can do), it already provides access to the most important features of the NIfTI-1 data format and libniftiio capabilities. The following features are currently implemented:

  • PyNIfTI can read and write any file format supported by libniftiio. This includes NIfTI (single and pairs) as well as ANALYZE files, both also in gzipped versions.
  • PyNIfTI provides fast and convenient access to the image data via NumPy arrays. This should enable users to process image data with most (if not all) numerical routines available for Python. The NumPy array automatically uses a datatype corresponding to the NIfTI image data – no unnecessary upcasting is performed.
  • PyNIfTI provides full read and write access to the NIfTI header data. Header information can be exported to a Python dictionary and can also be updated by using information from a dictionary.
  • Besides accessing NIfTI data from files, PyNIfTI is able to create NIfTI images from NumPy arrays. The appropriate NIfTI header information is determined from the array properties. Additional header information can be optionally specified – making it easy to clone NIfTI images if necessary, but with minor modifications.
  • Most properties of NIfTI images are accessible via attributes and/or accessor functions of the NiftiImage. Inter-dependent properties are automatically updated if necessary (e.g. modifying the Q-Form matrix also updates the pixdim properties and quaternion representation).
  • All properties are accessible via Python-style datatypes: A 4x4 matrix is an array not 16 individual numbers.
  • PyNIfTI should be resonably fast. Image data will only be loaded into the memory if necessary. Simply opening a NIfTI file to access some header data is performed with virtually no delay independent of the size of the image. Unless image resizing or datatype conversion must be performed the image data can be shared by the NIfTI image and accessing NumPy arrays, and therefore memory won’t be wasted memory with redundant copies of the image data.
  • Additionally PyNIfTI can access uncompressed NIfTI or ANALYZE files by providing memory-mapped access to them via NumPy’s memmap arrays. In this mode it is possible to modified existing files of any size without having to load them in memory first.
  • PyNIfTI allows to embed arbitrary additional information into the NIfTI file header.


Some functions provided by PyNIfTI also might be useful outside the Python environment and it might be useful to export them via some command line scripts.

Currently there is only one: pynifti_pst (pst: peristimulus timecourse). Using this script one can compute the signal timecourse for a certain condition for all voxels in a volume at once. Although it is done by simply averaging the timecourses of the involved events (nothing fancy), this might nevertheless be useful for exploring a dataset and accompanies similar tools like FSL’s tsplot. The output of pynifti_pst can be loaded into FSLView to simultaneously look at statistics and signal timecourses. Please see the corresponding example below.

Known issues

PyNIfTI currently ignores the origin field of ANALYZE files - it is neither read nor written. A possible workaround is to convert ANALYZE files into the NIfTI format using FSL’s fslchfiletype.

Things to know

When accessing NIfTI image data through NumPy arrays the order of the dimensions is reversed. If the x, y, z, t dimensions of a NIfTI image are 64, 64, 32, 456 (as for example reported by nifti_tool), the shape of the NumPy array (e.g. as returned by will be: 456, 32, 64, 64.

This is done to be able to slice the data array much easier in the most common cases. For example, if you are interested in a certain volume of a timeseries it is much easier to write data[2] instead of data[:,:,:,2], right?